Is anybody else having a bit of a hard time with the idea that you're supposed to be unconditionally happy in pregnancy? I feel like pregnancy is not that great but everyone expects it to somehow be the best experience of your entire life and it's a little frustrating for me!

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Agreed! You and are about at the same point I'm 19 weeks, 1 day :)
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
yes!!!!! I am so miserable. I am only 19 and half weeks. so I feel him but oh my gosh I cannot wait for this to be over and him to just be here. I'm always asking if I can just sleep and someone wake me up when it's time for him to get here
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Exactly!! I'm excited to be a mom, but let's be real, pregnancy is kind of awful in almost every way! I can't wait to meet this little nugget but I could seriously do without these months of struggle in between. I hear it gets better at the end when they are really active but so far, still not impressed with pregnancy!
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I definitely don't understand those women who glow during their whole pregnancy and say "I just LOVE being pregnant!" Being pregnant and annoying is hard. I've had the same thought, like am I a bad person/mom for not enjoying pregnancy? But I'm still super excited to have my baby. Just because you don't like pregnancy doesn't mean you're a bad mom!
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
this pregnancy sucks for me. every day.
05.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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