so this is what happened. a couple days ago I was complaining about severe pain in my ribs so I went to the er in Marysville because I couldn't handle the pain. they did an ultrasound and said I have a fatty liver but the reason for my pain is that I have Gallstones . they gave me strong iv pain medication and In the morning they took me in for surgery to get my Gallbladder removed. they said it was Badly infected and later on they said there was bilburin in my blood so they took me back in the surgery room. put me to sleep and they put a tube thing down my throat and turns out there was still a stone stuck in my bike duct so they took it out. I wasn't able to eat or drink or even suck on ice for a about a day or so i cried because ive never been so thirsty in my life when they finally gave me water i was so happy but I ended up throwing it all up and was nauseous for about 2 days. today I was finnaly able to keep liquids down and i finally got dishcharged today I'm now home and happy to be with my babies but im still in a lot of pain and the pain medication is not working at all . and I don't even know how drain my drain that's in my stomach. Anyways please pray for me to have a speedy recovery so I can get back to taking care of my babies 💕