@taylorrleee1, oh my goodness you poor thing! I hope your baby comes soon, I totally understand about being uncomfortable my belt is just rock hard all the time and feels massive. @gcpaschal I totally feel like I'm going to be like that, I'm just done. I miss sleeping on my tummy the most, and just being able breath without feeling someone kick me in the ribs
@dlautt156, Agreed! You hit that on the head. I pray your baby comes before then. I watched a YouTube video of this girl having a baby all natural and she yelled "GET OUT". I was in my 2nd trimester then. I understand now it had nothing to do with baby per say. She was tired of being pregnant and in pain!!!
@gcpaschal, my baby boy is in position and everything it's just my water isn't breaking and I'm not having any really strong contractions. And I kinda did. I asked her if she had children and she said no and that she does not want to have children. And I told her that she then has no idea how uncomfortable I am and that she should be considerate and not make me go so far past my due date 😫
Lucky .. I had to go to the hospital yesterday because of how bad I was having cramps . Even the doctor was surprise I wasn't dilating cause she said I was having pretty consistent contractions v.v but don't worry both our baby's will come when they're ready ! ☺️❤️
@dlautt156, Are you serious? Girl I think I would've went off! My Doc said @ 39 weeks I'm having the baby. If she turns then I'll be induced. She's still head up.
@maybeth239 same here with the cramping but no serious contractions, I've been doing a whole bunch of walking and moving my hips in circles trying to engage him with no luck ☹️ @gcpaschal my doctor refuses to even consider inducing me until I've reached 41 and half weeks 😭 I wanted to punch her when she told me that