i had high blood pressure friday just gone when i was at my gp. so she sent me up to the hospital cause of the headache and dizzyness.. which ive had since tuesday. i went there and the midwife said my blood pressure was normal. they took blood and told me to make a midwife app for monday drink fluids and take panadol and sent me home.
it was very rushed... the dr didnt even see me. :/
If you're becoming sensitive to lights, I would be demanding a different dr opinions, while headaches are common, I had a few shocking ones like yours with both of my pregnancies your dr can give you a safe pain relief that's stronger than standard panadol. Also bad headaches that last that long can be a sign of pre eclampsia, have you had your blood pressure monitored??
im hoping mine ease off soon. i cant drive cause the light outside hurts my eyes :/ its been dark rooms for 3 days now... very much looking foward to not being pregnant anymore and having my baby here haha
it was very rushed... the dr didnt even see me. :/