I broke down and took castor oil this morning mamas.. Hopefully I'll be meeting my little man soon!
The backstory: I'm 38 weeks 6days and at my last appointment i wasn't effaced but was 1cm and soft. I have a cousin who used this method for both of her pregnancies and went into labor within a day. So I'm trying it so that hopefully I don't have to be medically induced at my next appointment.
How I did it: had about 10oz of green smoothie left over from yesterday so I poured out half of that and put in 4 teaspoons of castor oil, some OJ and half a banana. I blended it and it came out to about a cup.. I tried to drink it all at once through a straw but it was thick and gross so ended up drinking it over about 10 minutes.
I will keep you gals posted!!