So pretty sure my husband and I are going to be seperating. We just moved into our own place together in February and we just celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary. And all we have done since we got our new place is fight. Because I have to fight to get him up for work in the morning, then he goes to work and when he gets home I get chewed out for sitting on my fat lazy ass all day. Mind most of the day I spend chasing a 10 month old and even if he was home his ass sure as hell wouldn't be. And when I'm not chasing her around I'm cleaning. Which he doesn't notice. And to top everything we haven't had sex since about a week after we moved in because he says I don't deserve it and even if I did that he just wants head. So I have no idea what the hell to do. And to totally top everything off now Harmonie is sick again and on medicine again.