Well I see a lot of women have given birth from last night till this morning, it gives me some hope!!!!! I have my doctors appt today, come on baby boy!!!!
@shay475, sorry I've been out running errand and finally settling down, but I signed my induction papers I'm just waiting on that process, I'm a good 4cm almost 5. I have another appt for next Thursday but the doctor doesn't think I'll make it that far so I'm still pregnant of course...lol what about you?
Same here... I have went to the hospital twice in a week because my contractions were so strong but they weren't consistent and they won't admit me unless I'm 5cm... Some days and nights are better than others but when it's bad it's REALLY BAD like stuck in the bed all day type of bad so trust me I understand your misery! Sending good vibes your way too hope you get some good news. @mrs.koonce
@babykarter, I'm sending good vibes to us this morning, I'm honestly becoming miserable. I've been have consistent but irregular contractions since Sunday morning.... My bottom literally feels like it's going to drop off at any moment.
I have a doctors appointment today to... Last week I was 3cm and 60% effaced been having contractions and Ive been walking a lot these past few days ... 38weeks and 2 days so I'm hoping for some kind of progress!!!
@shay475, at least that option is on the tables, my doctors office just check my vitals, listen to baby, measure my stomach and check to see my dilation progress and send me on my way..... I've been 4cm for 3 weeks now. They won't strip my membranes no nothing.... I'm hoping today is some progress because my due date is Saturday on top of the fact I have big babies, I'm worried about that especially since they've allowed me to go this far along.