You need to get out of that and get government assistance that will help you get out of there, your baby comes matter how much you may find yourself thinking back at being in love with him your baby comes first...and fuck him keep the car lol let the cops sort that out
I'm going to call the number once I unpack and see what they can help me with I have a job interview this week too hopefuly I get it because I'm really low on cash right now untill next week
I couldn't leave last night I had to sleep next to him he was just insane I couldn't sleep with my pants on and he thought I was going to leave him but no fuck that I waited till this morning ! He had court I took him to court sat with him and when they called his name and he stood up to go in front of the judge I left him there I took off , left him with no phone no money and no car I drove back to his house packed all my stuff and now I'm going to my uncles house where I am safe it's just him and his wife in a 4story house and I'll need my fiancés car to get to doctors appointments this week and work and school ! ? I can't risk going back to return his car and he does something to me , I left him for my baby's sake and for respect for myself I can't let my fiancé hit me that bad and then act like it's all good . No this morning he wanted to have sex ?! He's out of his mind really ! We're better off this way he doesn't deserve us 😤😕
Get the hell out of there! I went threw the same thing. I thought I had no options. I also thought he would never hit our daughter. I was wrong. Do whatever you have to do to protect yourself & your daughter. Call a church tell them you need help, they will help you! It was the hardest thing I ever did, it was also the best thing I ever did. Good luck to you!!
him beating you should of KNOCKED some sense into you. don't think about yourself right now . think about your kid... what if one wrong hit and who knows what lol happen. you shouldn't be thinking so much about it. it may be hurting you because he's your husband but your kids life matters more than anything right now. so pack your stuff and go. where ever. your better off without him. seriously
If you Google Aid for Women, and make an appointment, there's many locations in Chicago, you can talk with someone and they actually have housing for pregnant and already mother, a room and bed and crib and they help you while you need to do sschool or working. they're really helpful. that isn't a situation your or your unborn baby need to be in, got out asap because its only going to get worse. the next time it happens call the police even if your scared because every time he hits you, remember there's always a risk that he harmed the baby or worse killed the baby.
call the number, they will have help for you. there are a lot of shelters for women who are in abusive relationships to go to and they will help you get on your feet and will make sure your baby's dad can't come anywhere near you
Would they have somewhere for me to stay and help me get on my feet financially , I do need this a lot I want it for my son he shouldn't be born into an abusive relationship
Thankyou and yes he doesn't let me work either so that I don't have money to leave and go out he's just ruining my life my health and my now my 6month old baby's health who is not born yet but I'm beyond stressed and I know my baby inside me feels something too
Preggiemom @xtianaaax wanted pass on this information to help any women going through domestic abuse. She's been through it herself and survived, and she just wants to help others.
1 in 4 women are victims of domestic violence. Domestic violence is physical abuse, emotional abuse, and can also be financial abuse.
Here's the national domestic violence hotline: 1 800 799 7233;