I'm having a meltdown.
I'm nine days late and when I tested this morning, it was negative. I've only been this late twice in my life - the first was when I was 16 and was hospitalized with a kidney stone, my period was skipped completely that month but returned normally next month. The second time was this past October, when I found out I was pregnant (positive result six days past my expected period). I miscarried just before Halloween, but there was an issue with it and early November I had an emergency D&C. I missed October and November. December was about 3 days later than normal, January was back to normal, and February was 4 days late. The three periods were all much lighter than normal.
Now I'm 9 days late... And I don't know what to think. I haven't been stressed lately - money has been nagging me a bit, but nothing out of the ordinary. I haven't been sick. I'm terrified something is wrong, and I was an idiot and I checked WebMD... Now I'm worried I might have PCOS, and I'm just so scared.
I don't know what to do. I don't know if there's anything I can do. I wish that stupid test had just been positive so I KNOW what's going on with my body. :(