I always had to fight for mornings. It sucked. And I was pregnant with twins originally but one just didn't make because he was to small. But thing happen for a reason. @yari93
Yes it is I fought so hard for the 9-5 and I'm glad especially with baby coming I couldn't do 4-midnight. You have twins ? God bless you I think it's so cute @babyveach
Lol I understand. Just the father you get the harder it is to ignore that's all. And i hate waking up early but I like getting out early because I have the night to do what I want and it must be nice to be able to spend time with the kiddos before they go to bed. @yari93
Yesss the kicks I don't mind it's just I'm so use to going to sleep late from working 4-midnight and now I'm trying to adjust to now working 9-5 and having to get up earlier than usual to get my son ready for school and my girls ready and breakfast it's just a lot lol @babyveach
I know that feeling. When I was working. I had to be oat work at 6:30 and both my boys were kicking me til 4 in the morning. I got like no sleep it was horrible.