My ob was going to schedule it for me if I wanted to, she was going to induce me at 39 weeks if I wanted to, but I had an emergency c section at 37
i have the right to request it on Wednesday i didnt want to but have family events coming up out of town (in a differ state) and i cant risk going out of town and delivering else where
When I went to my 40 week apt I was showing no progress so my doctor scheduled me to be induced. I went for my check up at 39+5, the office scheduled an ultrasound to check fluid with occurred at 40+4 and I was suppose to be induced at 40+6 but they didn't have any availability at the hospital so I just had a regular check up and my induction date I was 41+1 and baby was born at 41 weeks 2 days. Being induced was amazing because I took a pill went to sleep woke up got my epidural watched tv all day in no pain then pushed my baby out lol easier labor story ever