32w growth scan tomorrow. Husband finally coming to an appointment with me; I think I'm more excited about this than the scan! I won't have to juggle a toddler while trying to engage with my OB.

Hopefully scan will show baby growing well. All previous measurements this pregnancy have been ahead. This was the point with our last baby when we found out he was going to be small which eventually led to an induction at 39w for suspected IUGR. He was born 3.05kg, so, not too small. But I'd like to avoid all the worry and extra scans we had to have leading up to his birth. Fingers crossed for a good sized baby and fluid levels.

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All the best for tomorrow!
Having a 2yr old and newborn myself, I dread every appointment/ outing that I have to do alone, haha. I would be excited too about hubby coming!
28.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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