Hey ladies! For those of you who wanted to hear my labour story... Here it goes!! Sorry for the essay lol but it was a long process!

So it started when I was about 36 weeks pregnant I started having a few episodes of vomiting and generally feeling unwell, as I could never get hold of my midwife I decided to call my maternity unit who asked for me to come in and be assessed... So I went in and done blood tests, was told my ALT levels were extremely high and that I should come back the following week to repeat the test to see if there's a trend with my results. So I went back the following week repeated the test and was told my results had doubled again and that I was being admitted!!! Shock of my life lol I was only 37+2!! So after doing more tests on me the consultant thought baby would be a lot safer out than in and decided to induce me that Sunday on Mother's Day... Didn't work! Was only 1cm and had lost my plug. So they induced me AGAIN on the Tuesday at 7:00AM... And I went into established labour at 7:15! The contractions were coming every 5 mins and baby was going into distress. I was on gas and air and the pain was incredible... The consultant then came in to 'make a plan' and noticed I had been bleeding (quite heavily) and not noticed at all as I was so out of it! The sheets under me were covered and not me or the midwifes noticed!! I was then rushed off for an emergency section and had my beautiful boy shortly after :-) very traumatic but looking at my little man now he was worth every minute xxxx

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