thank you in most cases dilation goes away at birth but if it doesn't the chances are low that your baby will have any major issues I pray that you have one of those outcomes @nicolebryant365
@amorette, thanks for sharing. I'm glad your son is well. & it makes me feel good to hear success stories like yours. my story is still in the writing but I pray to have something good to tell like you ladies. ☺
my son has a dilated left kidney they found it while I was pregnant. It didn't go down after birth we did multiple tests and he is fine won't need to have surgery we just have to watch what sugars he drinks like juice because it makes his kidney work harder. but he is a happy healthy 11month old
Thanks for the reassurance. I'm trying not to. I can't stop thinking about it. It's nice to hear someone that has went thru it say that and not just my doctor.