I have a breastfeeding question. I know they work in supply and demand, so the more she nurses, the more milk they should make. But how long will it take them to make that milk? Like i dont understand how it works exactly. They say not to supplement with formula but to nurse on command, but what if she's not getting anythin or near enough? Isn't that unhealthy or not safe? Also, my baby is a little over a month. I have been pumping and I nurse when I can. I get about .5 oz a day, I dont get to pump more than twice a day, usually only once a day. But I nurse as often as I can, but she still mostly gets formula so that she doesn't starve or anythin. Is it too late to be able to breastfeed? Am I wasting my time?
Thank you, guys! By the way, she eats 4-5 oz a feeding and i only get .5 oz but im only able to pump once a day & i usually have to hand express it. my medela pump & my hand pump arent gettin the job done anymore
lol I agree with @kimberlyyyy ,about dropping the formula I did that with my first son and eventually dried up baby should feed at least 10-30mins on the breast when baby is done they will usually pull away ,at least offer breast before bottle if your that worried but if your baby has wet/dirty diapers after directly breastfeeding then baby will be fine I know we can't see what they get by breast that's why we go by having wet/dirty diapers through out the day
On average one months old only need about 1 1/2 to 3 oz a feeding. If you can stop giving formula and nurse frequently then your body should be quick to produce that much. If you're already pumping 1-3 oz then your baby should be able to draw all that out and then some. Breastfeeding is something you have to be dedicated to, but if you say you want to do it then you have my support and tons of other women's support here too. You have to start with stopping the formula though to have a better chance of making it. Baby might want to nurse frequently and that's totally normal.
@mrsmoore, beat me to the comment. Lol. Also. The pump won't be able to draw out as much as your baby would. If you're serious about breastfeeding you need to *stop supplementing, drink a bunch of water, eat lots of oatmeal, and constantly have baby on your chest and at breast. If you use a pacifier see if she'll comfort suck (nurse) at breast rather than using the binky. As you know, milk is a supply and demand thing, and everytime you give formula it's telling your body you don't need to make milk. How old is your lil one?
your breast are never empty ,she makes enough for her ,if you want to up your supply try power pumping it worked for me pump 10 mins rest 10 and related for and hour every three hours for like three days or till your happy with what your getting but you have to keep up with fees g and pumping when your away