Question mommies, TMI but I'm 29 weeks now and i find it very hard to shave my private area. I get tired and can't reach. What can i do. Also when you deliver do you have to be shaved?
yes lol i remember my mom told me that they shaved her but this was a long time ago so idk if they would still try to shave you but it should be up to us lol @jazzyjazz
I don't have to be shaved,but once my water broke I showered & shaved lol just because I thought it was more polite I guess..I do recall them having a razor at the delivery guess is that was invade I had a bush? Lol
I told the nurse I was super modest with my first and she kept me in check when I wanted to throw the sheet off of me for the whole room to see my goods because I was just so in the moment and frustrated with life I didn't care. Lol But had it not been for her then I would not have cared who saw. Haha. With this one I don't care I just want my baby haha.
well its hair removal cream all you do is before you take a shower I put vasaline on my area between the lips and so it won't burn if any gets there then you put the Nair on any part you have hair wait ten mins depending on how much hair you have it will say on the bottle and get in the shower use a rag you can throw away and wipe away the hair