So I need some advice.. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is using again and I'm only about a month away from delivery.. I can't believe he would do this to me again and I just don't know what to do or how I should deal with this right now..

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As a recovering addict I can only give input on both sides. absolutely should your child come first and highly recommend that you tell him he needs to go get professional help like impatient treatment or he cannot be around the baby. And in all honesty, it's not that he doesn't care about you or his baby but the disease of addiction is cunning and baffling. often times taking a lot of time to overcome. statistically, 1 in 38 addicts stay clean for a year and 1 in 100 addicts stay clean for 2 or more years. I do not justify his actions but I do understand what it's like to be on the active side. it took me years to get clean it also took my SO over 10 years to get clean. he currently has over a year clean and I have 7 months clean. often times, subs or methadone do not work. it's more or less a crutch. but I do think that creating a boundary is needed. he either gets help or needs to leave. also be understanding because he may be going through something too. I believe that 7 people a day in the United States dies of opiate overdoses. it's heartbreaking from both perspectives. you do not need to put up with constant relapses but relapse does happen. if you need any advice or detoxes or narcotics anonymous meetings or anything feel free to message me. just do not enable him. let it be clear that he needs to do the right thing if he wants to be in both of your lives. I have meeting lists for the entire state of Massachusetts and detox lists as well. I regularly attend NA meetings. like I said, message me if you have any questions or concerns. good luck mama. ❤
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well I told him I wanted him to not have to use anything. If and when he was ready to ween off of the stuff. To me he's still dependent when he needs that to be "normal" as far as I know he never quit taking it I just found out he's using something again. And it has to be heroin. Idk what else he would be snorting and spending his savings on..
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Truthfully I'm not a huge fan of suboxone. I have never been on it myself but my opinion stems from knowing people who are on it or have been on it. Methadone is ever so slightly similar in the way that it is also a medication used to treat addictions but it is also prescribed to people with chronic pain. It works in the body and brain differently than suboxone and I truthfully think it is safer, if used correctly that is but that goes for any medication. What made him get off the suboxone if you don't mind i ask?
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@emkasting, he was on suboxone before and I'm just relieved in a way that at least I know for a fact he's never shot up only snorted. I thought he was done and finally weening himself off suboxone too but I guess he just took a big step backward instead..
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Do you guys have a methadone clinic in your area? Medication assisted treatment can sometimes work wonders for people that struggle quitting other ways. I have first hand experience if you wanna message me.
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Addicts need help, plain and simple
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know.. I really need him too. I just thought he cared more than this. I found out early in my pregnancy and knew he got clean I was with him through it. I just can't believe he'd relapse. Especially with our babies on the way. He's supposed to be the one we count on for support and can't be spending his time and money on drugs. I'm just so disappointed.
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Tell him to go to rehab or get out. Your baby comes first
25.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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