Your dates may change when you have your scan, mine did with all 3 of mine. At my booking in they took bloods but they may not, different hospitals and all that. Congratulations! and welcome to our little world of mummies 😊 x
@jodiec, it's amazing how different people's experiences are. I did read somewhere that when they go through your questions they determine from your family history if you may need them? Either way- I'm ready for the unexpected ☺️ Thank you 😘
@beccastirlingx, ahh, well... Hopefully she doesn't have to take any today as I'll be on my own, but I'll be grand either way! I'll just have to get over it! ☺️
Paper work and health and back ground questions. I'm not sure about anyone else but I got lots of blood taken.. @debs don't want to scare you!! I didn't think they would take blood so I went alone! Ehhhk! Take someone with you just incase :-) x
I did the same thing. don't worry :-) if your midwife is as nice as mine you'll be absolutely fine. she'll also do check up on weight height blood pressure those sorts of things but no bloods. after mine she told me I need to book a blood test scan info would come through the post and you won't see her until 16 weeks. You'll be fine. if you ever need anything I'm in the same boat. youre just 5 days ahead of me :-) x