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My little man was born yesterday i had came to the screening room for a labor check and while we were here he had a level 2 decent on his heart rate so they immediately brought us upstairs for induction after 36hrs i was still at 5cm and 80% i thought i was going to have to go in for a c section but then they broke my water and his heart rate would drop with every contraction then finally at 38hrs i felt the need to push and the nurse called the doctor and i was finally complete and ready to push he was transverse when she tried turn him he didn't turn she kept trying and he turned all by himself after 15min of pushing he was out he had the cord wrapped around his neck really tight 3 times which explained why his heart rate would drop he was 7lbs 11oz and 19in long and im so in love. This was by far one of my hardest labors but so worth it. We get to go home today and im so excited for his big brothers to meet him.❤️ Welcome to the world Zayden Isaac Gonzalez.

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congrats 😇👣😍
23.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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