7 weeks on bed rest at the hospital. Logan was born at 27 weeks. He weighed 2lbs 9oz and I was terrified. I didn't know how to feel or what to do. Each day it got a little better but it was always hard leaving him at the hospital. The hospital staff were great and always reassured me that Logan would be fine and he is a fighter. 88 days later we welcomed my son home last night. I'm still in shock. I've waited so long for this moment that I have to pinch myself. We were discharged with no medicine or special instructions. He is perfect. Weighing in at 7lbs 10oz breast feeding and taking pumped breast milk in bottles. Still amazed at his progress. Just wanted to give a quick update and to say thank you for the prayers. My God is awesome
Yayyyyyyy thats amazing momma!!! Good job! He's growing up! Getting more and more handsome everyday. I love how strong our preemie's can be. I'm happy you're home with him. I hope everything continues to go so well for you and your family. 💜