Any ladies work in the NHS?. I'm a nurse on an Assessment unit. I was hoping to take Annual leave at 34 weeks due to the long hours and being under consultant care for previous Pre-eclampsia and IUGR. When I put my request in I was refused my annual leave as hours had gone.
PS -I put my form in on time.
Now I will be working up to nearly 37 weeks. My unit can get so busy at times. Can I contest the hours and say I need the time off or I will have to go off sick??

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they should grant you your annual leave especially if you had it in on time I would speak to them and tell them your concerns xx
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@duchess92, I have constant baby brain and do things like that all the time. lol. don't worry
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thanks all. Thats what I was thinking I should be entitled to my annual leave as they knew I was pregnant and hoping to go of at 34/35 weeks. I didn't really want my annual leave after my mat leave. I also asked if I could take one day annual leave for the 3weeks coming up to my mat leave which would make me do 2 12.5 hours shift and I got denied which I feel is unfair.
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
im lucky. I've had a good experience. I'm a community matron for the NHS but I've read the policies and the only entitlement you have is mat leave. if they won't give the annual leave before your mat leave they have to give you ALL carried over leave plus next year's leave when you return. either way you get the same time off. hope that all makes sense as I'm good at babbling x
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@daisywillow, sorry I tagged you 😂 I thought this was your post! Baby brain!
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm a HCA for the NHS. I would try and speak to your occupational health dept as they can do something about it, I'm sure. You should be able to take any annual leave you have left over before you start your mat leave or you can carry it over if needed. They can't deny you your annual leave and they certainly can't expect you to complete your full duties, they need to be flexible. I had ALOT of trouble with my SSN and I was treated so badly and made to feel guilty about not being able to do things. @daisywillow
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
if you go off sick they will automatically start mat leave at 36 weeks. you should contest the leave as you are entitled to your holiday as it accrues while you are on mat leave too, including bank holidays. they usually prefer you to take the leave before you go on mat leave. take it higher or go and speak to HR. that's really not fair of them. x
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Can't you start your mat leave at 34 weeks and tag the annual leave onto the end of your leave instead of the beginning
22.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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