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39 weeks pregnant, had midwife today have been measuring 36cm for the past few weeks. Midwife said that was ok because baby was low down in pelvis...anyone had anything similar?
kirsty1989 the last midwife appointment I went to she said I was measuring 35 weeks (I'm 39 weeks
abs645 Yeah it's a worry...I kinda think if the measurements go off towards the end if the heads
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37+5 is anyone else just so exhausted they just can't do anything but are restless...I just don't know what to do with myself, feel awful :-(
abs645 yeah I just worry if I still feel like this when I go into labour how il
flick9 I'm same honey got 4 boys youngest is nearly 4 and eldest nearly 17 with autism and
abs645 I know it's almost the end. I know now what people say about it dragging. the first
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Anyone else had like a sharp pain and dull aches in their groin? I'm 36+4 wondering if if is the babys head getting into position? xx
leanne2016 I've had this since I was 28 weeks x
hermummy So uncomfortable!! 😓 Squishy has been head down the whole way through and engaged for at least
abs645 thanks thanks guys :-) xx
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Has anyone had a wierd pain that shoots from your vagina to your boob....lasted only a few seconds....
snowball I am at the very beggining, don't feel much pain yet. You are so close now to
charliefreddiesmumma861 I have pains in my foof, but there lightening crotch pains, never had it shooting up to
abs645 yea it was wierd....literally lasted a few seconds and haven't had anything else since
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Anyone else had really painful hips in bed, last night mine were agony? xx
angie87 Mine do! Helps if I sleep with a pillow between my legs. Takes some of the pressure
abs645 I've been having a pregnancy pillow between my legs too :-(
lellytoosh82 I've had this for 6 weeks now...I've tried everything...even a blanket fort in my bed lol pillows
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Im a nurse....working last night I just happened to check my was 125bpm and I wouldn't say I was rushing around either. Felt fine though...anyone else had this at 31 weeks?
leigh-amyxo I'm not sure if that's too high but mine was 110 yesterday @abs645 xx
abs645 resting my pulse is about 80bpm but I wasn't rushing around.....and I felt fine...wierd x
kate_smith I had 120 last week, but I was really hot and I've been standing all day, all
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