Cassandra wentz
Ugh is it weird that I feel absolutely horrible for wanting to buy anything for myself I have not gotten anything for myself in over 4 months my Christmas gift was even a baby gift I have an Amazon cart full of things I will never end up buying because I feel guilty it's not for my daughter 😔
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I am a sahm as well and I feel guilty for that fact that I don't make money and when hubby gives me the go on spending I always think of her first but I did finally buy a couple things today a couple makeup items for mom and I did get her some bath toys 🙈 I would buy her the world if I could

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I am a sahm as well and I feel guilty for that fact that I don't make money and when hubby gives me the go on spending I always think of her first but I did finally buy a couple things today a couple makeup items for mom and I did get her some bath toys 🙈 I would buy her the world if I could

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it's normal . I am a SAHM and I picked up a part time job just so I could buy my son more stuff

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Don't feel bad, you need to take care of you too.

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been there done that you still have to do things for yourself sometimes even if you have a baby!

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nope completely normal. I'm the same way, I need my eye brows done so bad but don't want to spend $10 on myself to do it. but yet my bf has no shame in buying alcohol and other things for himself 😒 annoys me !!! makes me want to just go out and do things for myself but than I don't 😕

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