I'm just now seeing this. But just try to keep him entertained. I would read books, sing songs, talk all kinds of stuff because if he gets bored he will want to get up. And just explain to him it's time to go potty like a big boy. & having him pick underwear he likes might help too.
awww man and i bought pull ups too 😒 ok so buy underwear .... how do i start the training? do i just make him sit ? what do i say? lol @airannamommy @ciaramarie
I tried everything with my son. A sticker chart and he would earn rewards. A reward bag were if he went he got a treat. Nothing worked for him. Then summer came around and he thought it was fun to pee outside lol. So I decided to just leave him in his underwear all day. He will have accidents but he won't like the feeling of it!! I feel like pull ups resemble a diaper too much so I never used pull ups.
when I was Nanny and I was potty training I never used pull ups unless we went out because when they have underwear on they can feel they made a mess and after like two times of them peeling on themselves they get the idea. I found this to work very well