so I left the father of my child a few weeks ago because of his drinking and how he treated me while he was drunk....for the last three weeks he has been begging me to come home with our daughter. -saying he would change and quit drinking that his family is more important...well I told him he had to prove to me that he would change before we came back...well when I woke up before my alarm for work this am I got on Facebook until my alarm was suppose to go off....and all I see is pictures all over Facebook of him at the bar and shit...I was really hoping he would change for our family but i guess that will never my poor baby who hasn't seen her father in over two weeks probably will learn real soon that beer is more important than her when it comes to her little family that we planned will never be again and it breaks my heart...I know u have done what is best for the both of us and everything but damn I thought that losing everything would change him but that's y I didn't get my hopes up about him changing so I wouldn't get hurt again...sorry for the long post just needed to vent....