Your welcome.. I learned it all by trial and error because i got pregnant at 17 so you can imagine the support I had. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to message me :)
And my husband gets itchy bumps with anything gain so just pay attention to all brands u use whether is soap, softner, lotion, diapers, even the diaper rash creams.. Everyone i know swears by bag balm but it made my sons rashes worse and desitin didnt work for him only A&D but every child is different so u just have to keep an eye out each time u use a new brand
I used it with my son just make sure u use one brand at a time so u can check if the baby is allergic to it or has sensitive skin for example my son could only use store brand walmart diapers because the huggies and pampers had a plastic lining in them that he was allergic to and kept getting horrible rashes