candy Kinney
I feel so pale! 👻👻👻👻👻 I worked in a tanning salon and I would tan pregnant woman all the time but I never would do it bc I feel like it's not something I do not agree with even though it's totally safe as long as you don't over heat your self! I want a nice glow not this pale pasty skin I have lol 34 days and i can tan again 🌞🌞🌞
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I worked at sun tan city for two years as a teenager! I miss tanning SO MUCH. We weren't allowed to let pregnant women tan though so I know if I went they would turn me away

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I worked at sun tan city for two years as a teenager! I miss tanning SO MUCH. We weren't allowed to let pregnant women tan though so I know if I went they would turn me away

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I can't wait to tan again! :)

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