my baby girl is 4 days old, she's sleeping through feedings and only feeds for a short amount of time. I wanna pump so my husband can be included in feedings and such but I don't want to worry about my supply being cut short. what do u suggest my breasts are engorged and starting to hurt since she doesn't eat very long, I need some relief. first time mom.
That's the problem with newborns . You need to wake them up for feedings. The hospital should have told you that before being discharged. It's important for them. If he's falling asleep your going to have to keep him up and awake unless he's actively nursing for 10-15 minutes before he falls asleep. I used to leave Lucas in nothing but a diaper and tickle his feet, stroke his check , tickle his Chin, and massage his hand. Even played with his ears. If that doesn't stop him then pull him off and let him scream for a minute and put him back on.. Sometimes that's what we have to do as moms :)
since I don't want an oversupply, but I still want milk for daddy to be involved I pump every morning when my breast are close to being engorged. so I have relief, a freezer stash and a constant supply of fresh milk in the fridge for daddy. but I'm also not uncomfortable the rest of the day due to an oversupply and needing to pump. once in the morning and nursing all day is all I need. so even if I skip feedings for some reason without pumping I'm still not painfully engorged.
i breastfeed about 4-5 times during the day i don't do it much since he falls asleep on the boob i always pump after i breastfeed him because there's still a lot left & i pump every 3-4 hours when he wakes up hubby feeds him from a bottle and i pump you have to pump every time he gets hungry for you can't lose your milk supply also massage or press down on your breast while you're pumping it helps relieve the pain and for the milk to come more out, & hot-warm baths helps for the pain. Good luck