@daisyr3, @oliviasmama1211 @maddoxisrael0128 so I took fenugreek, drank ovaltine malt, I pumped until empty. I massaged. I used heating pads. I ate a shit ton because you have to keep your calorie intake way up while breastfeeding. Get babies saliva and put on your nipple from time to time. Pump every 2-3 hours until 12 weeks. Mothers milk tea. If you get your period take magnesium pills. There's a ton of support groups on Facebook that has a ton of women who also have great advice :)
I'd love too know cus I feed on the breast.. when I first had him he was getting bm from a bottle he had latch probs.. but I was pumping 5oz ot more each boob every two hours but now he's back on boob.. i can barely get 1-2 from each..