I don't pump at all, SAHM as well. I had to pump in the beginning due to engorgement and baby being in NICU. I also pumped at beginning with my other 2 due to engorgement when my milk first came in. I have a Medela Pump in Style and I love it. Also, keep in mind you can always rent a pump if you get engorged the first few days your mik comes in.
@luvmyboyz, @santistevanmommie @thehowtohippie @junesmommy15 I really don't want to pump either, I keep being told what pump I want or recommendations, but I think I've made up my mind , thank you Ladies again! I hope its easy for me as its been for you all!
Being a stay at home mom it's easy, if you plan on going back to work after baby it'll be harder when you go back to work. I'm a stay at home mom and it's easy for me since we've got a routine