Should I go get checked to see the reason why I have been leaking clear watery stuff all day? Or should I just wait til my doc app tomorrow? I went in 2 weeks ago for the same thing and they said it was normal. But I have been leaking all day it seems like. I just don't want to make a pointless trip to the hospital

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your 38 weeks , if definitely get checked!! if your still leaking its probley amniotic fluid.
09.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had that same problem I was leaking clear fluid for 4 weeks it was constant all day everyday I even had to change my underwear every 2-3's normal if it doesn't come out with blood n finally lost my mucus plug today
09.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
get checked anyways. even if it was Pointless. you never know if that's a slow amniotic leak. it may not have been 2 weeks ago but if you're 38 weeks now? even if it's increased discharge. I'd rather hear it's increased discharge and have wasted my time going in, than hearing ira a slow amniotic leak. if that's what it is that's not safe for the baby if you ignore it.
09.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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