I can't deal with hairy legs normally but something about body hair during pregnancy drives me up the wall. the the point where some times I have to shave a couple times a day. it's very obsessive so I invent new and exciting yoga poses to get everything shaved haha
@showersoverflowers hahahahaa!!!!!!! now shaving my legs is a completely different story I can't bend over. I would have to get a handicap chair in the shower to do that aha!! luckily and weirdly since I've been pregnant my leg hair does not grow nearly as fast as it did before
it's like a blind man in a rose bush. your bound to get a prick or two but it's so worth it. the first time I shaved after having my son, I double checked everything because I was sure I forgot am entire leg or something. it literally took minutes rather than half an hour
@gabrielsmommy1, throughout my first pregnantcy I could do it. I was 43 weeks when I delivered my son. I didn't shave that week. I was so tired and having horrible braxton Hicks all week. these two definitely are making it hard to shave. idk if I'll be able to do it soon. and there's no way I'm gonna let it grow. I can't feel like that. so my tall husband is gonna have to get on his knees and shave it lol
i shaved miney entire pregnancy, after like 30 weeks i couldn't see what the hell i was doing but at least i was shaved. when i had my son last week one of my nurses mentioned how was i able to still shave lmfao
@ashleyd86, @cameale81 @iammykidskeeper I can't stand to not groom. It makes me feel gross & it's very unhygienic to me 😅 my fiancé has offered to do it for me but the only man I'm willing to trust being down there with a sharp blade is my OBGYN lmao.