How to Even Out Breast Milk Supply While Breastfeeding?

I need some help. So I am breastfeeding my son who is 11 days old. He does amazingly with latching and is eating really well. Seems very satisfied. But I want to make sure my supply is up because I am going to start college in August. I pump after every feeding to make sure my breasts are empty because I have had problems with clogged ducts. On my left breast I am very lucky if I get even a full two ounces ever even without feeding from that side first. On my right, even after feeding I usually can get between 7 to 8 ounces. I need to even them out so how.

He is my third and I wasn't able to breastfeed my first two kids because of medical issues so I don't know what to do. Can anyone help?

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You should also make sure that your pump cups are the right size for you. If they're too big or too small then that could affect your pumping.
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
You can't actually measure how much milk your making by pumping. The baby could be eating more on one side than the other and you may not notice. It takes anywhere around 6-8 weeks for your body to regulate your milk supply so it's going to be up and down until then. I can never get much milk out of my right breast by pumping And it used to be the lopsided one and finally evened out:) but by drinking tons of water, oatmeal and or mothers milk tea would help . But your already ahead of the game mama! I can't even get close to pumping what you are.@siomama0421
05.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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