I hates this feeling. me and my mom don't have the relationship we use to before she kicked me out on my birthday. we hardly talk. I would always try to reach out to her but she wouldn't reach back it hurts. I love my mom. even if she was way to strict with me and being kicked out and the craps I've been through made me stronger. now that I'm pregnant she's talking to me more and taking me out to eat I would love to help pay but my financial situation won't let me so I feel guilty about that. she's only done this twice but. she's been helping me get things for Leo. like before I wanted her to help at least a little and now that she helping I feel like she feel guilty so that's why she helping I mean my mom had a great paying job but spending about $100 on clothes and other stuff and. then about $50 last time we went out then she said she will get my diaper bag for me it makes me feel guilty because I can't do what she does go out and buy Hellas stuff for my son I can buy like 2 things a week and that's it. sigh

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