🚨LADIES!!! 🚨 I need help!! How can I start my baby on solids ? She's 6 months and a half and only eats baby food like once a day and that's if I remember. I've strictly breastfed her since she was born, so I have no idea how star making her like other food. Some baby food she doesn't like . People keep on telling me that if I don't start feeding her solids she's going to get sick cause breast milk isn't going to do it any more . What should I do!?!

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we also let him sit in highchair and just play with the baby food. he is able to get his hands in the food and he will take little tastes here and there. it helps them get used to the new tastes.
we also take a few bites of baby food to get him interested but don't worry. solids aren't important yet.
04.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
we ebf also. he is now 7 months. I feed him solids if he seems like he wants it. but sometimes he is content with just the boob other days he wants more. some days he just samples from my plate. I suggest trying a tablespoon of solids 2-3 times a day. until you find something she likes. play around with different consistency. make it really thin by adding breast milk or thicker by adding a little milk and cereal.
04.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
@hellosweetie, thank you ❤️
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Any time, mama!!! You are doing such a good job, don't let anyone make you feel otherwise 😉
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thanks you so much ladies!!! @hellosweetie @mommabeardurso @tahtahme
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
couldn't have said it better than the first girl, that's all what I was gonna say! Let her lead you, let her play with the food baby is required to eat the second they turn 6 months!
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
Exactly what she said 👆🏽 your baby will let you know when she is ready.
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
First of all, breast milk or formula is their MAIN nutritional source until 1 year of age! You still have PLENTY of time and your baby will not miss out on nutrition or be stunted because of it!!! "Food before one is just for fun", remember that! Second, not all babies are ready for solids yet the minute they hit that 6 month mark, it just means it's safe to let them start trying different things and learning how to eat different things other than just nursing or drinking from a bottle. YOU ARE DOING FINE! Please don't worry! You have another half a year to get her used to eating solids and the older she gets the more interested she'll become in other foods! Start by having her sit with you at every meal time so she gets used to the idea that sitting at the table means you all eat food. She will show interest in food when she's more mentally ready! And you can continue with once a day trying a little food...feed her in between nursings, but don't replace breast milk for solids, like I said solids are just for fun and learning. Always make sure she's not in a bad mood or she may associate being upset with meal time, and try and make it fun! So far Melody isn't really "into" solids yet, she likes a few things but honestly only eats once a day sometimes not at all lol so it's fine!
03.03.2016 Нравится Ответить
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