@karnamarie, thank you and I know with my 1st I was weak couldn't handle the back labor so I went in and I was only 3cm so now I'm waiting but pain is only in lower tummy not in back I hadn't gotten my baby clothes ready so now I'm washing her clothes just in case lol I'm trying to keep busy with a toddler that isn't to hard lol
@isatorres26 If you call (I know from experience) and tell them they will tell you to come in and be monitored because anytime you mention blood and pregnancy they have to tell you to come in. However, they will want to keep you and once you do go in you can't eat... or they won't let you walk because they want to monitor you which laying I the bed prolongs the labor processes.. and before you know it they are wanting to send you home or induce labor. Here is what I did the second time with some advise for another preggie.... Have sex (if it's an option, helps soften cervixs), take a bath (as long as your water hasn't broken), Clean your house (walk, bend, squat, walk somemore) and time contractions. Once the contraction are 5 minutes apart or your water breaks... then go in!!!