With my first, I was at 3cm when I went in and already in the early stages of labor, they put something that resembled a really skinny tampon that makes you dialate and left it in me overnight. ( I went in at 4pm) Then in the morning they started the pitocin 😝 evil drug!
being induced definitely hurts i was induced with my first born i was in labor literally for 46 hours but once u hold your little one you forget about that tragic mission called child birth
I was induced due to high blood pressure. I went in, and actually went into labor ony own, not feeling the contractions. they started the pitocin, and my dr. wanted to break my water bag at five centimeters. still, no pain at all. all the nurses were shocked, I guess I was having some good contractions. so when I hit five centimeters they said lets do the epidural. and I was like I feel no pain though. they told me once my water breaks ill dilate quick, (a lie since I was in labor for three days) so he broke my water bag. he took this hook like thing, hooked it onto my water bag and pulled. my epidural line had gotten kinked and stoped working. I pushed for three and a half hours with my nurses and the pushed two times with my doctor and my son popped out.
I was at 4cm before I was induced. They put these pills up inside my vagina and pushed them up really far. It didn't get bad until like 8, 9, and 10 cm. I chose not to have an epidural and by the time I was that far into it I felt like the medicine I chose wasn't enough. (I was using Dilaudid and had the button you press) Labor lasted about 6 hours for me. Being induced makes contractions come back to back to back instead of progressing naturally so it makes it kinda awful. By the end the pain was so bad pushing felt good. My body was relieved to start pushing.
I went in at midnight the night before and got meds put in me to finish thinning me it out, I was already dilated to 3cm and at about 6am I was at 4 cm and got the epidural I had to get a second epidural at like 8 or 9am bc the first didn't take all the way and I was in pain, but after that I slept until about 11:30am and he broke my water and I was at a 8 cm. I had her at 12:22pm she went into distress when he broke my water and moved all the way down in literally 5 mins. I dilated to 9 cm within 10 mins or less and was told I had to push her out then or I would have an emergency csection so I pushed her out in 4 contractions... I was in labor for about 12 hours and I pushed for maybe 20 or 30 mins if that.
Lol well when I was 1 cm (at 39 weeks) got the cervadil in at 7pm that night. Contractions started coming around 830 ish (along with back labor 😪) got no sleep that night in the am at 8 am I was 3 cm. Took a shower and started pitocen at 9 am by 2 pm I was still only at 4 cm so they broke my water and by 230 I asked for an epi bc I was in so much pain I didn't get it until 345 so I was walking around , sitting in a rocking chair and going back and forth on the yoga ball. When I got checked at 4pm I was 10 cm and they had to let her head drop down so I had to sit upright. And that was the only time I got sleep. By 515 pm my doc came to check me and she called the nurses and resident in and I started pushing at 520 push 5 times in two contractions and she was born at 529.
I think it varies, but for me I had to come in the night before. At 8am the next morning, they broke my water. An hour later they checked to see if I had progressed any with dilating or contractions and I hadn't. Then they started the pitocin drip. Labor started slowly and then 6 hours later I was in such pain I caved and got the epidural 😂 before that I had barely dilated 2 more cm and just wasn't coming along very quickly. After getting the epidural, he was out in 2 hours.