Allie Gripp
Allie Gripp
Worst night ever. after having 6 different injections of epidural, Fentanyl, and Lidocaine, EVERYTHING WORE OFF. they weren't going to give me anything else. about an hour later I was puking from all the pain I was in. FINALLY doc decided he wanted c section. They gave me another 6 pain medications (they were that messed up 6 that they did but over again) they gave me so much I started having convulsions and I started puking all over myself while screaming 'I'm puking' and Wheres my baby. even after it was over they tried to show me my baby and I was so out of it I kept asking for him ever after he was there...I don't remember anything but the c
doctor apparently didn't hear me yelling about puking because he had his music playing. I was still having convulsions after too. even now with the amount of Percocet I'm on I can barely stay awake. I doze off doing anything. it's pretty frustrating. hopefully this all ends soon but I still have to say my son is definitely worth it though

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