Any moms out there use cloth diapers? Would love to hear your thoughts! My husband and I are considering it, well we want to do a combination of both. 😃
Yeah my MIL tried talking me out of it cause she tried it and it was "hell" 😒 but then I had to tell her well when you were trying cloth diapers that was 28 years ago. Cloth diapers are much better now. We already have 30 all in one cloth diapers. I did a lot of research before making my decision on it and now that my husband has actually seen the cloth diapers and compared them to the disposable ones he said he couldn't imagine pouring something rough like disposables on our sons bum.
I love cloth diapering! We use the brand Softbums (easiest cloth diaper out there hands down worth every dime) you snap the pods in and out and that's all you have to change unless it's a blow out! You can keep the same shells as long as they are clean! And invest in a diaper sprayer for the side of your toilet it makes a huge difference for washing :)
my husband thinks he wouldn't be able to handle rinsing out poop diapers, and I am really against doing it all on my own, it wouldn't be fair to me. most cloth doesn't fit newborns anyways, so I am ok with start off with sposies.
@maybabyboy, that's what I thought too. My husband was against the idea at first until I told him to-do some research on it and find out if other parents like it and why. And now he is really liking the idea. It might be a little more work but we would be saving so so so so much money. I figure we can at least try it and see if we like it :)
It's not any more or less sanitary, you're still touching poop, just wash your hands well every time. different fabrics have different absorbancy, so it can be less absorbant, buy it can also be much more absorbant, it depends what you're using. and leakage should actually be less with cloth, as long as you are using the right kind to fit your baby, disposables are supposed to be one size fits all, so leaks happen when your baby doesn't fit that mold. I would be doing cloth but my husband refuses to do it. maybe he will change his mind when he sees how much money we are going to throw away on disposables.