has anyone heard of an 5mo old who barely naps during the day? mine will only nap in short lil hour at the most and if he does that count any naps longer than 30 mins out. I'm slowly loosing my mind. I think we need to get back on a schedule.. well I know we do. it's just hard to some days when there are things I need to get done before my 6yr old gets home.... when he doesn't nap or let me get things done I swear I feel like he hates me.. I know he doesn't because when he sees me again he smiles... but I'm sure we've all felt that way at one point. right?

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my oldest was a great napper and sleeper. I was hoping he'd nap on the way to get his big bro which is a 2hr round trip... he slept maybe 45 min of it lol. he's currently sleeping next to me in my chair. if I dare move him it will be on.... lol
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
my boys have never napped like that ever and they're 6 months today.... when the pediatrician asked I'd they were sleeping around 18 hrs a day (cuz apparently they're supposed to) my mom and I looked at each other and fell over laughing lol were like what babies do that? these boys sure don't and still don't lol!!
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
yeah he didn't crash till all most 11 but slept till 7... I think I'll start taking him next door to my mils for a couple hours every day so he can get used to not having me 24/7 so maybe he won't have such bad separation anxiety. that and so I can get some things done around the house.
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
my daughter never naps during the day at all but she sleeps all night she's been that way since she was 3 months old
29.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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