My little miracle lady, Hadley Ruth. She was born February 26th at 3:11pm. 1 lb 14 oz and 13 inches long. Ahw was born 1 day shy of 28 weeks. My bp spiked and then my placenta started to break down and pull away from my uterus. Or a placental abruption. She is tiny but mighty, getting some forced air but doesn't need O2 which is amazing. I love her more than life itself, just asking for additional prayers to help her gain up the weight and come home soon.
Look at that cutie!!!! There's quite a few of us who have preemie's here on Preggie (I have a 29 weeker), so don't hesitate to post your questions, feelings or anything! I've gone through the nicu experience and all that. Feel free to shoot me a message. Your lil one is cute, and I guarantee she's in good hands. 💜