Any advice for shin splints, swollen ankles, red feet, and back pain that feels like back labor but is not. I work two 12 hour shifts a week and it's hell on my back and legs and especially if they are back to back. I was to be on light duty but at the nursing facility I work at they don't have that so I took myself to part time and now at 35 weeks my legs are telling me I just a big baby or has someone else had this?

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I had my daughter 6 weeks early and I've been getting progesterone shots. I get in trouble a lot for pushing it. my hubby is even like it's fine to stop. I'm just so used to doing it all and working it's hard to remember to take it easy. it makes it that much harder when it's a job you love and waited for!! that's awesome they are holding your spot for you though! I have to have a c-section and I keep telling myself I need to figure out the whole relax deal before that
27.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm a ftm and I feel like such a baby for it. I've wanted that job for two years! Then I couldn't keep it. but I have my place when/if I go back after baby. I hope it gets better and I salute you for being able to work that long! I still beat myself up about me not being able to.
27.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
He wanted to send me a note a couple of weeks ago and I said it wasn't necessary because it was just in my back, but now that it's in my legs and feet and if I sit down it almost brings you to tears to stand back up I mat have to ask him if he would. I don't know what else to do. I feel like such a baby lol I've never had pain like this with my other kids!
27.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
I actually had to resign at 20 weeks. I was put on part time at about 13 weeks. (unfortunately) but my dr found it best for baby and me. wish I could have worked as long as you did. hope you find something to help!
27.02.2016 Нравится Ответить
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