I need help ladies I cant get to the dr till monday but this is my 2 week old daughter's eye. :( im a ftm and have no clue what to do other then use a warm wash cloth to wipe it.
My son had goop coming from his tear duct for like two months. Everyday I would put a warm washcloth on it. Eventually I started squirting a bunch of breastmilk onto the warm washcloth as well and that is when it actually cleared up!
i always felt bad to but u just have to keep telling herself its normal and u can wash it with the watm washcloth whenever it gets gunk. just be prepared hun she might wake up during the night or in the morning and not b able to open it, thats when letting the warm wash cloth sit on it for a min helps
its normal hun, ik its scary i was where u r 4 months ago, i freaked out bc i was scared itd hurt his eye, all i did was keep washing it with a warm washcloth i let it sit on it for a min and google how to massage a baby tear duct my dr showed me and we did it a few times and it went away, its most likely just a blocked duct from her tear ducts finally opening
boil chamomile tea let the tea cool till its warm use a cotton to soak and dont put the cotton back in the water or use a different container each time. I come from a mexican family and we always have those remedies i used it for my baby girl when she was a baby and it went away fast in like a day or two it was gone hopefully you can try it.
my nieces eyes did that and she would wipe them with a warm cloth but if you are breast feeding a little bit of breast milk can really help it that's what finally cleared it up for my niece