I had it inserted the day after giving birth. its been a nightmare since. I've been bleeding since 11/13/15, my hair is starting to thin and come out, my milk supply has suffered tremendously. not to mention the change in appetite some days I don't want anything other days I'm trying to eat from both hands, never had a problem with my blood pressure until now either. trying to get it removed .
@mommy31996, obviously everyone's body is different so everyone will have a different experience but honestly my experience was so horrible I always feel the need to advise against it. they made me sign a waiver before I got it inserted and being 17 at that time I didn't read it and I really should have. there are so many possible side effects and risks for complications with it that my doctor didn't even address. The only upside is that it works for 3 years. I only had it for a year because I couldn't take all the problems anymore and I'm glad I went to get it taken out because had it moved too much more it could have caused permanent muscle/tissue damage. Personally the pill works for me just fine and the nuva ring does too.
Yep. It had moved too so they literally had to dig around in my arm to find it. the lidocaine wore off halfway through. worst pain of my life. I stick with the pill now. I don't want anything surgically inserted into my body. Too many risks and complications.
Had it for a year and hated it. I had so many complications it just made me miserable. I couldn't even enjoy life because I was on my period for 8 months straight (talk about expensive) it made me gain weight and it made my depression and anxiety so much worse.