I'm not sure, I pumped the same time she fed every time. It was weird I pumped the night before and when I woke up the next morning absolutely nothing came out. I had quite a freezer full of milk so I got another month and half-2 months for her then did the transition formula that has whole milk in it for a month and then she was completely weaned to whole milk.
@aungstc, did you dry up only b/c you were pumping & not putting her to the breast? I just know they say babies are better than pumps so I'm wondering if that's why..
I did with my oldest daughter. After a few weeks she still had trouble latching so I exclusively pumped and bottle fed her breast milk till I dried up when she was 9 months.
@ya0515, @kdcmommy26 oh ok! So it may not be too late for my son to latch on. 😅I'm just pumping & I figured he's already a month & been bottled fed so it'll be too late to get him to latch on. I have to try again b/c pumping & bottle feeding together is tiring.
i use to for 2 months also.i put him to breast and found it was alot easier.but im going to start back when his teeth comes in..he's 5 months tomorrow and is already biting.