I'm 2cm dilated as of Monday..I'm in so much pain from this boy in my pelvis and the contractions! I hurts just to walk! I'm jealous of the girls who had an easy pregnancy lol
I knew I was before they even checked me lol I would have been surprised if I wasn't! But so far all the girls in my family have had their babies early. I thought I would have been dilated around 34 weeks because of all the contractions but I wasn't then. But it happened quickly after! You'll get there! @omricruz_mommy
I can guarantee the time before delivery wasn't easy. I'm only 33w6 and I can't walk because my son is in my pelvis... 2.5 dilated and 90% effaced (as of the 17th) with contractions at a steady 5 minutes apart. They're not doing anything to progress, the pain level is just getting worse. :( So I feel your pain!! Take it easy Momma, you're almost there. :)