So when I pump I seem to get 2-5 ounces so far I have 18 oz from just today to be stored , I'm ebf but I feel like when I pump there should be more. I would always pump 3-7oz & my Breast don't feel full like before . I've pumped about 5/6 times & still feeding her feel like past few days she's been glued to me eating , could it be that , should I panic because it means I'm drying up ?
@paigesanchez14, Just makes you think what did ladies do back in the day , no apps, Internet , little medical knowledge . Very! Thankfully I'm not working so long nights aren't affecting me . Thanks I'm going to add you , just Incase I have questions ☺️
Samee. I had to learn the hard way with breast feeding! 😕 And yes that sounds like growth spurt those can be so exhausting on you and the baby! No problem! If you ever have any questions feel free to message me!
Okay I'm a ftm I was beginning to worry! So is she then possibly going through a growth spurt I feel like I've had her on my boob 95% of the time the past few days ? Thank goodness for less leaks ! 🎉 No supplementing here !i love the convenience of BF her . Thank you for your advice! ☺️
Just because you're not pumping how much you have been does not mean you're drying up! The avg pump is .5-5 oz some women can only pump 2 oz at a time, pumping is also not a good indicator of how much you are producing babies are more effective at getting milk out! Feeling less full is normal especially around 6 weeks your supply begins to regulate which means your breast will not feel as full and you will not get engores as much and hopefully no more leaking! (Yay) keep calm and latch on, do not supplement baby , that is what will cause your supply to go down