Goodmorning!! So here's a little bit about my life right now..
my husband and I have know eachother for about 10 years,married almost 3 years.We were highschool sweethearts.. we have a 2 year old daughter and im currently 26 weeks pregnant (with baby boy). About 3 months ago,my husband was having issues with depression,self happiness etc.which causes him to leave to "work on himself" .the whole time I stood by him,offering all my support and love but he pushed me away. come to find out,he had met a girl that he has been talking to for about 3 months now..he says nothing physical has been done but looking at the phone bill records,they have talked on the phone ALOT...
Long story short,we are separating/divorcing now...he still says he wants to be here for the kids but everything has been so hard :(
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