My MRI showed a unicornuate uterus. This means that while in utero the uterus develops in two separate pieces which then join to make one single uterus. I only developed the left side and I come with only one fallopian tube. I can carry a baby (yay!!!) but am at risk for preterm delivery and would need a csection. Also, it's not a good idea for me too have multiples as there is half the space for only one baby as it is. Therefore, treatment with meds is a risky option. My husband's and I have decided on IVF as it is very controlled given my uterus size and his newly discovered low motility.
Today I had my hysteroscopy with polyp removal and am at home finally able to eat.
I'm so relieved that having biological children is an option for us. Unfortunately, IVF is super expensive. Has anyone undergone that treatment before?
Forgive me if some of this didn't make sense, I'm only 3 hours postop.
Thanks for reading. :)