I just watched the business of being born and I think I have changed my mind on wanting a dr to delivery. I want to go as naturally as possible. The thought of all those medical interventions just scared the crap out of me!
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@nikjay2015, I'm not a fan of the home birth idea either.

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@nikjay2015, I'm not a fan of the home birth idea either.

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Great documentary! I'm still giving birth at a hospital with my OB. But I want to try to go as natural as possible. I have a doula that will be helping me along the way. It opened my eyes up to a lot but I can't see myself giving birth at home lol. I need to be close to as many doctors as possible JUST IN CASE lol

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@mamawearsflowersinherhair, I will check them out. @yrch0302, the doctors office that I am going to have both midwives and doctors that I will be seeing throughout my care. They work together nicely. That is basically what I was referring to was the no medical interventions unless necessary as well.

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I loved that documentary. I saw it years ago with my friend when she was pregnant but now that I'm having my first baby I appreciate it more. I'm still doing my delivery with an obgyn but I now know what medications I DO NOT want. It's all about being clear to your doctor in the beginning. I told my doctor I didn't want any intervention with medication or c-cection unless absolutely necessary.

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Yay!! You should check out some books by Ina May Gaskin too. I had my son at home with a midwife last March and it was one of the most life changing and fulfilling accomplishments of my life

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